Active After-School Resources
Looking for ideas of physical activities you can implement in your programs?
Check out the below supports for activity ideas for your program!

AB Active After School Activity Database
Browse hundreds of activities that you can sort by age, skill, time duration, play area, and group size! This activity database will provide you with a great place to build more physical activity into your daily programming.

Active for Life's Activity Database
Hundreds of activities that you can sort by age and skill. There are activities focusing on agility, balance, catch, dribble, gallop, hop, jump, kick, etc. If you’re looking for activities that can help you build a particular skill in your after school program, this is a great place to start!

Playworks Game Library
Sort hundreds of games by size, age, equipment, length and areas of interest. Each activity talks about developmental goals, set up, how to play and any variations you could use.

Ever Active Schools YouTube Channel
Check out the Ever Active Schools YouTube page for some short videos of easy to implement, minimal equipment activities for your after-school program! Be sure to check out our AB Active After School Activities playlist!

Alberta Medical Association Youth Run Club
AMA Youth Run Club is a free, fun and flexible program that you could implement in your after-school program to support implementation of the Provincial Activity Guidelines. For more info on AMA Youth Run Club check out their website!
Guiding Documents
These documents provide background information on the importance of physical activity and after-school programming.

Provincial Activity Guidelines for After-School Programs in Alberta
In 2018 the Province of Alberta released these guidelines to support increasing quality physical activity in after-school programming. For a one-pager that explains what the Guidelines are, click here.
Provincial Activity Guidelines for After-School Programs in Alberta: Implementation Guide
This guide supports after-school programs in implementing the Guidelines. The guide includes: a conversation kit, sample letter home, self-assessment tools and tools to support action planning and evaluation.

Canadian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth
These guidelines focus on integrating physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep and are foundational to the Provincial Activity Guidelines for After-School Programs in Alberta.
A Common Vision
This national policy is intended to guide the country towards ways of increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living. The Common Vision outlines six areas of focus for collaborative action which are further supported by strategic imperatives to guide future planning and implementation.

The Value of Out-of-School (OST) Time Programs
In 2018 the RAND Corporation conducted a review of rigorous, large-scale evaluations and meta-analyses to provide recommendations for policymakers, funders, OST program leaders and researchers in a time where public funding for after-school (OST) programs coming under scrutiny.
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