Food Group Shopping Spree

Skill: Dodge, Jump, Run
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Nutrition, Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Remind participants a tag is a light tap.
Equipment: 4 sets of different coloured pinnies.
Pylons or rope for boundaries if necessary.
For participants to increase their knowledge of the four food groups by playing a fun and active game. The food groups (participants) have to run to the other side of the playing area when their a food in their food group is mentioned and try to not get tagged by the grocery shopper.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Use the lines and length of the gym, or if outdoors use pylons/rope to set up the boundaries.
Divide the participants into four teams using the food groups: milk and alternatives, grain products, meats and alternatives & fruits and vegetables.
Select one or two participants to be the Grocery Shopper.
Step by Step:
1. Go over the food groups with participants before playing this game.
2. Give each food group a different coloured pinnie.
3. All of the food group participants stand on one line at one end of the gym. Have each food group spread out so that they are not standing right next to each other.
4. Have the one or two grocery shopper(s) standing in the middle of the play area.
5. The grocery shopper(s) picks a food that is on their "shopping list" and needs to put in their shopping cart.
6. They will call out that food, and the food group that the food falls under will have to run from the side they're on to the other side without getting tagged (put in a shopping cart).
7. If they do get tagged, they are now in the grocery shopper's shopping cart, and have to sit down where they were tagged. They can try to tag other participants when they run past them, but they don't want to tag their own food group participants.
8. The food group to have the final participant that is not tagged, wins that round.
9. Have the grocery shopper(s) call all 4 food groups before repeating a food group.
10. OR allow them to call a food group before naming all the other food groups, and those participants have to run back to the other side.
11. If a participant starts to run when their food group wasn't called, they have to do 5 BIG jumps in the air to get back onto their shelf.
12. Example of foods to call:
- Grocery shopper says "Bagels", so all participants who are in the "grain product" food group have to run to the other side.
- Grocery shopper says "Chicken", so all participants who are in the "meat and alternatives" food group hve to run to the other side.
- Grocery shopper says "Yogurt", "milk and alternatives" participants run.
- Grocery shopper says "Orange", "fruit and vegetables" participants run.
When a participant is tagged, they have to stand out at the side and whenever their food group is called they have to do 10 jumping jacks. If one of their fellow food group participants gets tagged, then they have to go the side and the participant that was already there gets back in the game. Play for a set amount of time.
Leader can call out foods, or help the grocery shoppers.
When a participant is tagged, they join the grocery shoppers. They still don't want to tag their own food group though.

Adaptations (General):
Try to ensure that all participants have a good understanding of foods which correspond with each of the four food groups.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Have another "food group" member guide participants who are blind or visually impaired.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.