Gaga Ball

Skill: Dodge, Strike
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remind participants to hit below the knee.
Remind participants to be aware of the equipment around the octagon.
Remind participants to always keep their heads up and be aware of their surroundings.
Equipment: Ball
Benches/Chairs/Tables or Boards
To be the last one remaining in the circle while working on hand eye coordination.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Putting the Benches/Chairs/Tables or Boards together on their side to form an octagonal shaped circle in which all participants can fit without an excess of space
Step by Step:
All participants stand in the octagon created by the benches/chairs/tables or boards.
Throw a ball into play.
A participant can hit the ball with their hands, but picking up the ball and throwing it at a player is not allowed. Also scooping is not allowed.
If the ball touches a participant anywhere on or below the knee (in some versions, below the ankle or waist), that participant is eliminated from the game.
If a participant pops the ball up into the air it can be hit down to keep it in the game or let it go.
The participant cannot kick the ball. (As this is touching the ball below the knee.)
If a participant hits the ball out of the area and hits another participant, the participant who touches it last is out.
No double tapping. A participant is allowed to hit it against the wall to keep it in play but no more than 3 times.
A participant must step out of the pit to show that they're out.
Participants who are eliminated have the opportunity to continue to participate in the game by remaining on the outside of the octagon and hitting the ball at those players still within the octagon
If hit by an eliminated player they are now on the outside of the octagon as well.
Blindfolded w/ sound using ball.
First time a participant is hit, they can't use their right hand anymore, the second time they're hit, they are out.
Create the octagon out of pylons.
Sources: Not listed