One of a Kind Movement

Skill: Hop, Jump, Run, Skip
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up when moving.
Equipment: No equipment necessary.
Pylons or ropes to make lines (if necessary)
For participants to move one from one line to the other in a different way than the other participants.
Set up:
Set up two parallel lines, around 10 metres away from each other, or use lines in a gym.
All participants will be standing behind one line, and not standing too close to one another.
Step by Step:
1. The leader will number off each participant.
2. Each participant will think of a way to move from one line to the other, but they cannot say it out loud.
3. They can walk, run, skip, hop on one foot, hop on both feet, crawl, crab walk, grape vine, side shuffle, there are many different ways they can choose.
4. The leader will then call out two numbers, or three numbers or up to all participants.
5. If the leader calls out "Numbers 3, 6, and 7". Then those participants have to go from one end to the other with the movement they decided upon.
6. If a participant is doing a movement that no other participant is doing, they continue that movement until they get to the other line, and they get one point. They then go back to the start line.
7. If two or more participants are doing the same movement, then they have to go back to the start line and do not get a point.
8. The leader will call out more numbers, and this process will continue.
9. Participants can do the same movements as previous participants if they wish.
10. Try to make sure all numbers are called an equal amount of times.
11. After a certain amount of time has elapsed, or after a number of rounds, the participant with the most points wins.
Play with elimination. If two or more participants do the same movement, they are out for that round. If a participant does their own movement, they go to the opposite end and stay there. Continue until participants are out or on the other line. Continue until there are 2 or 3 participants left, they are the winners. Or the leader will select only 2 or 3 movements that they can do. Continue until there are only 2 participants left.
Or have one participant go to the end doing a specified movement. Then call on another participant to select another movement and so on until all participants have gone to the other end using a different movement.

Adaptations (General):
Encourage everybody to incorporate their own unique movement patterns.

Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.