Silent Ball

Skill: Catch, Throw
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to throw underhand.
Equipment: Dodgeball (1 or more)
For participants to throw and catch the ball silently.
Set up:
Have participants standing in a large circle.
Step by Step:
1. This is game is done in silence, there is no talking allowed!
2. Give the dodgeball to one participant in the circle.
3. All participants have to throw the ball underhand.
4. The goal is to throw it to a participant who is not paying or hope they don't catch it.
5. If a participant throws the ball (a good throw) to a participant and that participant doesn't catch it, they have to sit down in the circle. They can get back up if the participant who threw the ball to them gets out.
6. If it was a bad throw and the participant doesn't catch the ball, then the participant who threw the ball has to stand up. They can stand back up and rejoin the game when another participant makes a bad throw.
7. If a participant speaks, then they have to sit down. They get back up when another participant speaks.
8. Throw in another dodgeball, to make it more difficult.
9. Play for a set amount of time.
Play elimination, so whenever a participant misses a catch or throws a bad throw, then they are out for that round.
Participants don't have to be in a circle, have them scattered around the play area. Makes it more difficult for them to know where the ball is and when it's coming to them.
Don't have it be silent, allow participant to talk.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Use a ball with a bell inside it, or with a plastic bag tied around it so that participants who are blind or visually impaired can hear it. Consider allowing these participants to catch the ball on the bounce.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.