Dice Relay

Skill: Balance, Hop, Jump, Run
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: emove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: 4-5 cones per team.
2 dice per team (ideally different coloured dice).
1 rubber chicken per team (or another object to use as the "baton").
A piece of paper that outlines the movements for each group.
For participants to do the designated activity determined by the roll of a dice and pass off their rubber chicken to the next participant on their team.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-5.
Each team will have one cone per participant. All but one of them will be in a straight line, and each will be around 10-15 meters away from each other. The other cone is placed to the side and in the middle of the other cones. The participant at that cone will start as the dice roller.
The other participants will stand next to one of they pylons in the line.
Spread out the teams.
Step by Step:
1. One participant at an end cone will start with the rubber chicken.
2. The participant at the dice rolling cone, will roll the dice to determine the movement and the amount of that movement the participant with the rubber chicken will have to do.
3. If there are different coloured dice, then one colour will represent the amount and the other colour will represent the movement.
4. If they are the same colour, then roll the first dice to represent the number and then roll the second dice to the represent the movement.
5. Examples of movement:
1 = Side Shuffle
2= Lunge Forward/Big Step
3= Hop on 1 Foot
4= Jump
5= One foot's heel to the other foot's toe (small steps)
6= Step Backwards
6. If the dice roller rolled a 4 and then a 3, then they would say "Do 4 hops on 1 foot" and the participant with the rubber chicken would do 4 hops. Each dice roller can have a piece of paper that outlines the movements.
7. When the participant can touch the participant in the cone in front of them, they pass off the rubber chicken to them, and the dice roller continues to roll for that participant. The participant that just finished doing the movements, will stay at that second cone.
8. When the last participant receives the rubber chicken they will run to the dice roller and hand off the rubber chicken to them.
9. The former dice roller will now stand at the first pylon, and the new dice roller will start to roll for them.
10. Continue until each participant has done each role.
If there are not enough dice, write the movements on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl for participants to draw from.
Use big dice (the foam kind), and all participants with the rubber chicken on each team does the same movements.
Could use one dice, and the participant rolls it twice. The first roll represents the number and the second represents the activity.
Create any movements/exercises/activities for each number on the dice.
Have the cones be further or closer together.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.