It's a Trap and Roll

Skill: Dribble, Kick, Run, Trap
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Ensure participants (and pairs) are spread out from one another.
Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: 1 soccer ball per participant (or for every 2 participants).
Participants practice trapping a soccer ball and rolling it behind.
Set up:
Have participants start in a spread out line at one end of the activity space.
Step by Step:
1. Participants will begin to dribble their soccer ball going down in a straight line.
2. Remind participants that the key to dribbling is keeping the ball close to them. If they kick the ball too far ahead in a game, the other team could easily take the ball.
3. When the leader blows their whistle, or says, "turn", participants will trap their ball (foot on top of the ball), and then roll the soccer ball behind.
4. As soon as they roll the soccer ball behind, they will turn and run to the soccer ball and begin dribbling again.
5. When the leader blows their whistle again, or says, "turn", participants will trap their ball and roll it behind them.
6. The leader could also say "non-dominant foot trap and turn", so participants have to use their non-dominate foot.
7. Groups of Two:
- One participant will start with the ball at one end, and their partner will start at the other end standing across from them.
- The participant with the ball will start to dribble their ball towards their partner. The partner will start to jog/run towards the participant with the ball. When they get close, the participant with the ball has to trap and roll the ball behind to get away from the other participant.
- They will begin dribbling the other way, and the other participant will run around and in front of the participant with the ball, that participant will then have to trap and roll behind again.
- After the participant with the ball has trapped and rolled the ball 5 times, participants switch roles.
The second participant is allowed to try and take the ball away from their partner.
Allow participants to dribble around an area and trap and roll behind when they wish, but remind them of the importance of keeping the ball close and keeping their heads up to be aware of their surroundings.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.