Decorating Rocks and Rock Games

Skill: Run, Throw
Time Required: 25
Activity Type: Creative Art, Physical, Transition
Group Size: Individual, Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Classroom (small indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: When participants are throwing their rocks for certain games, be sure there are no participants in front of them or anywhere near the area they are throwing.
Remind participants to not throw the rocks too hard.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings.
Equipment: Rocks (at least one per participant).
Permanent markers or paint and any other arts and crafts supplies for participants to use.
Chalk (optional)
Hoops (optional)
For participants to decorate their own rock(s), and then play games using their rocks.
Set up:
As a group, participants go outside and look for their own rock(s) to decorate. Or the leader can have a box filled with rocks that participants choose from.
Have markers and/or paint prepared for participants to use.
Step by Step:
1. Using the markers or paint provided, participants will decorate their own rock(s).
2. They can write their name on the rock, draw and create whatever they wish.
3. Allow participants to decorate multiple rocks.
4. Once the rocks are decorated, participants can play games outdoors with their own rocks.
5. Example of games:
- Hopscotch: Participants throw their rock into the hopscotch grid and have to jump over the rock and then pick it up on the way back. Check out the "Spelling Hopscotch" activity for another hopscotch game.
- Tic-Tac-Toe: Using chalk, draw a tic-tac-toe board on the pavement and participants will have to throw their rocks (or their team's rocks) to try and get three in a row.
- Get it in the Hoop: Place hoops on the grass or pavement, and participants have to try and throw their rock(s) in the hoop.
- Find the Rock: Place all the rocks fact down and divide participants into multiple teams. The leader will say a characteristic that a rock has to have before each round. If the leader says "Find a rock that has red on it", then one participant from each team will have to run to the rocks and flip one over at a time until they find one with red on it. The last participant to find one is eliminated, or they just don't get a point. Make sure participants flip the rocks over after they flip one up.
- Decorate both sides and it can be used like a coin with "heads" and "tails".
- Pick Partners/Teams: Place all the rocks in a bin and participants will choose a rock. Whoever the rock belongs to will be their partner or on their team.
Have participants decorate a rock for someone in their family or another participant.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.