Sport Relay

Skill: Catch, Dribble, Kick, Run
Time Required: 25
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Remind participants to be ready to catch the ball and for the throwers to not throw the balls too hard.
Go through the relay with the participants, to ensure they all understand it and it will be done in a safe way.
Be sure each groups' set up is spaced out and not too close to each other. If indoors with not a lot of room, have groups take turns doing this activity.
Equipment: 1 Soccer ball, tennis ball, hoop and football (or frisbee) per group of 4.
5-7 pylons per group of 4.
Rope or pylons for end zone line.
For participants to do the designated sport skill and task at their station.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4.
For each group set up one pylon at the beginning with a soccer ball next to it. Set up a net using two pylons 15 feet or so in front of the pylon. Place a pylon 30 feet or so in front of the net with a hoop next to it. Place another pylon around 10 feet in front of the hoop pylon, with a football (or frisbee) next to it. Lastly, set up a rope or use pylons to set up an endzone around 15 feet in front of the last (football) pylon.
For those visual learners (I know I am!), please see document attached for example of set up.
Be sure each groups' set up is spaced out and not too close to each other. If indoors with not a lot of room, have groups take turns doing this activity.
Step by Step:
1. The first participant from each team will start at the pylon with the soccer ball. The second participant will start and stand just behind the net and will be holding a tennis ball. The third participant will stand next to the pylon with the hoop. The fourth and final participant will stand next to the pylon with the football (or frisbee).
2. See attached document for set up and sport skills/tasks at each station.
3. When the leader says "Relay Time!", the activity will begin.
4. The first participant in each team will kick their soccer ball (from the pylon), through the net.
5. When it gets through the net, the second participant will kick the ball back to the first participant.
6. The second participant will be holding onto a tennis ball. After they kick the soccer ball back, they will then run and stand between the pylons in the pylon net.
7. They will throw the tennis ball to the third participant, who has to catch it by getting it through the hoop they are holding.
8. When the ball goes through the hoop, the third participant will drop the hoop and roll the tennis ball back to the second participant.
9. The third participant then runs to the fourth participant.
10. The fourth participant will be standing by their pylon holding the football (or frisbee).
11. The fourth participant will hand off the football to the third participant when they get to the pylon and the third participant will say "hut!".
12. The fourth participant will then run to their end zone. When they get past the pylons or rope, they will turn around and catch the ball that the third participant throws to them. They can't throw the ball until the fourth participant has crossed the line.
13. When the ball is caught, they say "touchdown!".
14. When this happens, they will run and put the ball back at the last pylon.
15. Then the first (soccer) participant will go to the second participant position (behind the net) and hold the tennis ball, the second participant will go to the hoop position. That former hoop participant will go to the football position and the football position will go to the soccer position.
16. If the soccer ball does not make it through the net, if the tennis ball does not go through the hoop or if the football is not caught, then those participants have to try again. If they miss three times in a row, then they continue as though they got it through the net or caught it (for this activity, it's 3 strikes, and you're good to go).
17. Continue until all participants have done each position in the relay.
Make groups more or less than 4 participants (add or take away a sport skill).
Do different sport skills. If indoors, could do a basketball skill at the end and have them do a lay up.
Have participants stay at the same position for a couple rounds.
Adaptations (General):
Develop designated sport skills that correspond with the abilities and strengths of all participants. Try to simplify rules as much as possible and ensure that all team members understand, and work together. Provide additional support and encouragement as required.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download