Sectional Passing and Scoring

Skill: Catch, Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Ensure the catcher is paying attention to the thrower.
Equipment: A ball or balls to throw: football, tennis ball and/or frisbee etc.
For team members to throw and catch the ball in order to accumulate the most points.

Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into two teams.
Using cones divide the play area in 3-5 scoring sections.
Participants will start in the throwing area on the side, and the other sections will be the scoring sections, and the further away the section from the throwing area, the more points (see attached document for example of set up).
Step by Step:
1. Each team will start on one side of the "Throwing Area".
2. One participant from each team will start as the catcher and go into one of the point sections (first section could be 2 points, second could be 4 points and furthest section could be 6 points).
3. The first participant in each line will take a ball, and communicating with the catcher they will throw the ball to the catcher.
4. The point section that the catcher catches the ball in, are the points that are awarded to the team.
5. The catcher can run into any section to catch the ball.
6. If the catcher does not make the catch, then they do not get any points.
7. After the throw, the thrower will become the catcher, the catcher will go to the end of their team's line, and the next participant in that line is the new thrower.
8. Play for a set amount of time or until a team scores a pre determined amount of points.
9. If there are a lot of participants and there is the space, set up 2 different games.
Allow the participants to choose which object/ball they want to throw.
Have the teams throw at different times so that the catchers do not run into each other.
Create more scoring sections, make some smaller, some bigger etc.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Ensure that the "catchers" communicate verbally with "throwers" who are blind or visually impaired to help orient them. It may not be possible for participants who are blind or visually impaired to be the "catcher."
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download