Collectors and Protectors

Skill: Dodge, Run, Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Remind protectors to throw below the shoulders.
Equipment: Foam balls (dodgeballs)
Tennis Balls
Volleyballs (optional)
One participant from each team will run and collect the required object and bring it to their hoop. The other participants protect those objects and try to hit the collector on the other team with foam balls.
Other Skills:
Underhand Roll
Set up:
Divide participants into two equal teams.
Please see the attached document for an example of the set up.
In the centre of the activity space, place 6-12 pylons in a row. Place a beanbag on one pylon, then a tennis ball on the next, a volleyball on the next pylon and then a foam ball on the next pylon. Continue that pattern until all the pylons have an object on top. Could use two or three objects instead of four and/or change the objects.
Place a rope at the two ends of that row of pylons and a hoop behind both ropes.
One team will stand behind a throwing line and facing the row of pylons, and the other team will stand behind a throwing line at the other end and on the opposite side of the pylons.
Step by Step:
1. Have all participants on team A standing behind one of the throwing lines and all participants on team B standing behind the other throwing line. These participants are the protectors for their team.
2. Have at least one foam ball per participant behind each line.
3. One participant from team A will stand behind the rope next to the pylons and across from their team's hoop. One participant from team B will stand behind the rope on the other side and across from their hoop. These participants are the collectors.
4. Please see the attached document for an example of the set up.
5. The collectors run on the opposite side of the pylons of their team's protectors. This is because the other team is trying to protect the objects and hit the other team's collector with their foam balls.
6. The leader will say what object participants have to collect (beanbag, tennis ball, volleyball, or whichever objects are being used).
7. When the leader says "Go!", the collectors will run to the pylons and collect the object they need and then run it to the other side, past the rope and put the object into their hoop.
8. While they are doing this, the protectors will throw/roll the foam balls towards the other team's collector trying to hit them below the shoulders.
9. If a collector is hit below their shoulders when they are in between the two ropes, then they put the object back on the pylon (if they had collected it) and go join their team's protectors.
10. If a foam ball hits a pylon and knocks it over, that object is still in play and can be collected. Be sure to re-set the pylons after each round.
11. If a collector catches the ball, then they are not out and can now use it as a shield to hit away the other balls.
12. Once a collector is past the rope on the other side, they are safe.
13. The collectors will join their team's protectors and the next participant on that team will become the collector for the next round.
14. As the game continues, there may only be one pylon remaining with the object that has to be collected. If team A's collector picks it up, but then is hit by a ball, then the round is over.
15. Continue until all of the objects are collected.
16. The team with the most objects wins.
The protectors could kick soccer balls towards the collectors, and remind them to keep the ball on the ground.
When a foam ball knocks down a pylon, then that object is out of play and cannot be collected that round.
Have two rows of pylons that are right next to each other. Only have one object on all of the pylons and number them off. The leader will say a number, and the collectors have to collect the object that is on that pylon.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download