Skiing with Boards

Skill: Balance
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Be sure there is a big clear open space, free of obstacles.
The loops attached to the skis are big enough for each participant to put their foot through.
If doing this indoors, ensure the "skis" will not damage the floors.
Equipment: Two long wood boards with loops for every 3-4 players
A clear open space
Participants must work as a team by cooperating and communicating, in order to complete this task.
Other Skills: Coordination
Set up:
This can be done indoors or outdoors, just so long as there is a big open space.
Two long wood boards (same size) with loops on the side for participants to put their feet through and enough loops for 3 to 4 people to use as skis.
Step by Step:
1. The skiers will each have their left foot in a loop on the one ski, and their right foot in the loop across from it on the other ski.
2. The skiers must work together to ski a distance of 5 to 15 meters and then ski back to the starting point.
3. Use a stopwatch to time each team.
4. Groups must work together and communicate, so they know when to move each foot.
5. Be sure each participant has the opportunity to ski and complete the task.
6. Discuss the importance of communication, listening and teamwork.
Do not time the participants, just have them complete the task.
If you can get 4 boards, have two group race from a starting point to an end point.
Use a larger or smaller board, depending on the group.
Have all participants but one, close their eyes or be blindfolded, and the one who is not will direct their group to the end and back.

Adaptations (Cognitive/Learning Impairment):
Ensure that participants with an intellectual or learning limitation understand the purpose of the activity and that they are actively involved.

Adaptations (Deafness/Hearing Impairment):
Encourage participants to use visual in addition to verbal communication in order that participants who are deaf or hard of hearing are fully engaged.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network