Leaders of Exercise

Skill: Balance, Hop, Jump
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Classroom (small indoor space), Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Check that furniture does not pose a safety hazard and, if necessary, move it to the perimeter of the room. Check that the floor is not slippery and is free from obstacles.
Equipment: Rubber Bass (or alternative)
Audio equipment and music (optional)
Other Skills:
Set up:
Post a chart or write on the board the following activities: 10 jumping jacks, 5 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, 10 knee lifts to the opposite elbow.
Step by Step:
Warm Up

1. Participants match up with a partner. They face each other and jump up and down 3 times as they say, "Rock, Paper, Scissors." On the 3rd jump they strike one of 3 poses: ROCK-crouch down and wrap arms around legs; PAPER-stand with legs wide apart and arms apart and up in the air; SCISSORS-stand with legs wide apart and arms crossed over above head.
2. Winners must continue jumping on the spot but, from the chart, they select an activity that their opponent has to do.
3. When the opponent is finished the task, they continue the game.


It's Your Turn: Participants stand in a circle formation and take turns being the leader of the group’s activity for 30 seconds each.

1. As leader, participants must demonstrate and lead the group through their 30-second activity and then the person beside that participant becomes the next leader.
2. Don’t forget the upbeat music!

Some examples could be: Individual Exercises



Jumping jacks

Stride jumps

Knee bends

Toe touches

Tuck jumps

Grapevine step

Star jumps

Bicep curls

Skip on the spot

Mountain climbers

Pogo jumps

Circle walk

Run on the spot

Bicycle pumps Partner or Small Groups

Leap-frog hops

High-five jumps

Cancan kicks Unlimited Possibility

Disco dance

Sport movement

Animal movement/nature movement

Cool Down

1. Participants gradually slow down their heart rate by walking around the space.
2. Shoulder Shrug-Move shoulders up and down, one, then the other, then both. Move shoulders forward/backward, together or one at a time.
3. Arm Circles-Slowly circle straight arms forward and backward. Circle with arms bent, elbows leading.
4. Cross and Reach-Cross one arm in front of body at shoulder height. Press the arm, using the other arm, across the body until a stretch is felt in upper arm and upper back.
5. Leg Stretches-Lie on back with legs bent, one foot flat on the floor, grasp one leg and gently pull the bent leg toward chest. Slowly try to straighten the leg. (From Ophea, H & PE Curriculum Support Documents, Appendix B, 2000.)
Jog on Spot: Participants jog slowly to relax and bring down their heart rates.

Pass the Bass: One participant begins with the bass (or a soft object) and begins a stretching exercise. After 10 seconds they pass the bass to someone else who leads a different stretch. Remind participants that stretches need to be done on both posing limbs (e.g. both arms) and to work from upper to lower body.

Adaptations (General):
Try to ensure that participants with a disability have an opportunity to lead the circle in an activity.

Try to ensure that activities are described clearly so that all participants can better understand how to execute each activity (e.g., explain how to carry out pogo jumps, arm circles, etc).

Adaptations (Mobility Impairment):
A participant with a mobility limitation (e.g., a wheelchair user) may not be able to jump. Consider employing the conventional "Rock, Paper Scissors" using hands in the event that it is not possible for participants to crouch or stand.
Sources: Ophea