Hoop Soccer Baseball

Skill: Jump, Kick, Run, Skip, Throw
Time Required: 25
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
The pitcher and any participant on base, has to get out of the way of the ball if it is coming near them.
Equipment: Hoops
Soccer ball
Beanbags, tennis balls, cones
Bases (or use cones)
For teams to kick the soccer ball into a hoop, and score the most runs.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide the participants into two groups.
Set up a baseball diamond so there is a home plate, first base, second base and third base.
Please see document attached to this activity for an example of the set up.
Behind the bases place a bunch of hoops. Don't have them touching; have them spaced out a bit.
Inside some of the hoops place beanbags, tennis balls and one or two with a cone.
Have one team start as the "batting" team, and the other will start on the side, and will have to do exercises depending on what the batting team does.
Step by Step:
1. One participant from the "batting" team will stand 15 feet or so in front of home plate, and be the pitcher.
2. They will roll the ball to the batter at home plate, who will kick the ball towards the hoops.
3. Inside some of the hoops are objects.
4. If the soccer ball lands in one or rolls into one that is blank, then they get a single and will run (or skip) to first base.
5. If it lands or rolls into one with a tennis ball, then they get a double, and they run to second base.
6. If it lands or rolls into one with a beanbag, then it is a triple, and they run to third base.
7. If it lands or rolls in one with a cone, then it is a home run.
8. Participants have to run to the desiganted base, if they are walking, then it could be an out.
9. So if a participant is on second, and the next participant gets their soccer ball in a hoop with a tennis ball, then the participant on second runs home, and the batter will run to second.
10. If the ball does not land or roll in a hoop, then it is an out.
11. Play with 3 outs and the next team is up, or until all participants on each team have gone.
12. The team that is not batting will be standing on the side.
13. For each single the other team gets, they have to do 5 jumping jacks. For each double, they have to do 5 push ups. For each triple, they have to do 10 lunges. For each home run, they have to do 5 burpees.
14. Once a team gets 3 outs or all participants have gone, then the teams switch.
15. Play for a set amount of rounds.
Set up more or less hoops, and more or less objects.
Have hoops touching and have an object designated for out.
Could have more than 2 teams, and the teams that aren't batting will do the designated activities/exercises.
Use a foam ball or beach ball instead of a soccer ball.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download