Drills For Hoops

Skill: Catch, Dribble, Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Participants must be aware of a safe movement pattern between the stations. Remind participants to be aware of the personal space of others as they move.
Equipment: 4-8 small balls
1 basketball per student
4 basketball hoops
For participants to complete the basketball stations listed in the step-by-step section.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Set up 8 stations around the activity area. Divide the participants into groups of 2–4 and assign them to start at a station.
Step by Step:
Warm Up

1. In groups of 4–6, participants walk in place in a circle formation. Give each group a small ball.
2. When the music starts, participants continue to walk in place as they pass the ball around the circle.
3. Whenever the music stops, the participant holding the ball leads the group in warm-up movements that gradually increase in speed and intensity (e.g. walking in place, brisk walking, marching, dancing) and stretches that move the joints through their full range of motion (e.g. shoulder rolls, knee lifts, arm, hip circles).


Participants work at each station for 45 to 90 seconds. Demonstrate, or have a participant demonstrate, the activity at each station before the group begins the circuit.

Station 1: Lay-ups - Participant A shoots a lay-up, gets the rebound, and returns to repeat. Participant B follows as soon as Participant A has shot the ball. While briefly waiting in line, participants continue dribbling the ball, focusing on good ball control.

Station 2: Tap-Away - Working in their groups, each participant dribbles a basketball within a designated area. While dribbling, participants attempt to tap away the basketballs from the participants in their group while maintaining control of their own basketball.

Station 3: Wall Jumps - Participants stand facing the wall, then jump up, reaching as high as possible, and touch the wall with both hands. They should land lightly and in control. Repeat quickly and continuously.

Station 4: Target Pass - Participants stand 2–3 meters from the wall and practice continuous passes against the wall, aiming at a target (taped square). They vary the passes, (e.g. chest pass, bounce pass).

Station 5: Foul-Line Shot - Participants take shots from the foul-line, quickly get their rebound, and repeat.

Station 6: Moving Pass - With a partner, participants dribble and move the width or the length of the gym, practising various passes, (e.g. bounce, baseball, chest).

Station 7: Two-Ball - With a partner, participants shoot the ball from 5 different marked spots (e.g., top of the key, foul line, three-point line). Participant A shoots from one of the marked spots, quickly gets the rebound and passes the ball to Participant B, who is standing on a different marked spot. Repeat the pattern quickly.

Station 8: Right/Left Hand Dribble - Participants dribble the ball from pylon to pylon (e.g. zigzag), with the right hand and return with the left hand. Encourage them to keep their head up as they dribble between the pylons.

Cool Down:

1. In groups of 4-6, participants walk in place in a circle formation. Give each group a small ball.
2. When the music starts, participants continue to walk in place as they pass the ball around the circle.
3. Whenever the music stops, the participant holding the ball leads the group in a cool-down stretch.
4. Encourage participants to stretch large muscle groups and to focus on slow movements
Encourage participants to keep moving during all stations to maintain a moderate to vigorous level of activity. Be aware that there will be a significant range of skills in shooting, passing, and dribbling.
Encourage participants to monitor their own personal bests.
Integrate numeracy by having participants record and calculate their shooting percentage during the stations. During Station 3, participants can measure their vertical leap.

For higher intensity: Participants can increase their pace while running, shooting, and passing in each station. In Station 3, participants can increase their vertical leap. At Station 7, participants can dribble up to each of the 5 marked spots and/or increase the distance for each of the spots.

For lower intensity: At Station 6, have participants only pass the ball, not dribble. Use a variety of balls (some smaller and lighter) and decrease the distance from which the participants are shooting.

Remind participants to replace all equipment in its starting position before moving to the next station.

Adaptations (General):
Try to ensure that activities are explained clearly in order that all participants can easily grasp key concepts. Remember that some movements, (e.g., dancing, some stretches, etc) may be new and challenging. It may be necessary to modify a number of the activities to the extent that the participant with a disability can safely complete them.

Adaptations (Cognitive/Learning Impairment):
Ensure that participants with a cognitive or learning limitation have the opportunity to succeed in the various hoop activities.
Sources: Ophea