Mini Soccer Course

Skill: Kick, Strike
Time Required: 30
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Individual, Medium Group, Pair, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remind participants to not kick the ball too hard.
Equipment: Tennis Balls
Rope or skipping rope
Balls (soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs etc.)
Beanbags (optional)
Bench (optional)
Other objects for obstacles (such as a box).
For participants to kick the tennis ball through the mini soccer course and get it into the hoop (pin).
Other Skills:
Set up:
Set up one or more mini soccer course holes using the equipment listed in the equipment section.
An example of a set up is attached to this activity.
Use rope or skipping rope for the boundaries. Place pylons, balls, beanbags and other objects inside the boundaries for obstacles. A bench can be used instead of rope for part of the boundary, and it can be used to help angle the ball in one direction and avoid certain obstacles.
Set up a hoop at the end of the course, for the "pin".
Set up two pylons a foot or so apart at the beginning, this is the starting location.
Step by Step:
1. After the mini soccer course is set up, have 4-5 participants stand at the starting point, each with a tennis ball.
2. One participant will put their tennis ball anywhere between the two starting pylons.
3. Using their foot, they will kick the ball into the course.
4. Once they kick it, the next participant will go.
5. Once all participants have gone, the participant with the ball that is furthest away will go next.
6. The goal is to get the ball into the hoop and stay in the hoop. If it rolls in and out, then they have to try again.
7. They try to do this using the least amount of kicks as possible.
8. Participants have to try to avoid the obstacles and get around them.
9. If the ball goes out of bounds (outside the rope), then the participant will place their ball inbounds at the spot where it rolled out.
10. After each hole, participants can write down how many kicks it took them to get the ball inside the hoop.
11. Could have a par for each hole, but instead of the word par, could use goal. If the goal is 4 kicks, then a participants gets a goal if they get it the hoop in 4 kicks. If they get it in the hoop in 3 kicks, it is a 'win'. If they get it in the hoop in 2 kicks, then it is a 'world cup victory'. If they get it in the hoop in 5 kicks, it is a 'save'. If they get it in the hoop in 6 kicks, it is 'out of play'.
12. All participants advance to the next hole, or set up another hole using the equipment.
13. Play for a set amount of holes.
14. The participant with the lowest total at the end, wins.
Have participants create their own course with obstacles.
Instead of a hoop, have a pylon as the hole, and they have to hit the pylon.
Could use golf clubs or hockey sticks instead of kicking the tennis ball.
Use different equipment for set up and obstacles.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Have another participant stand by the pylons and hoops being targeted by participants who are blind or visually impaired so as to help orient them.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download