Jumping Board Game

Skill: Balance, Hop, Jump, Run
Time Required: 25
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Make sure participants move out of the way of participants that are passing their space.
Equipment: Hoops
Paper (for activities for each space)
Chalk (optional)
Dice or Cards
Beanbags (optional)
Beanbag/token/coin/pinnie for each group or participant (optional)
Participants will be pieces in this jumping board game, and they have to jump the number of spaces they roll and do the activity written in the space (hoop).
Set up:
Have the activities prepared for each space in the "board game", or create activities as a group with the participants (see step-by-step section and the attached document for examples of activities).
Set out hoops in a circle, or in any pattern for the board game.
Place one activity inside each hoop. It would be best to tape each activity to a beanbag, or another object that won't blow away if outdoors and participants won't slip on.
Step by Step:
1. Have the activities prepared for each space (example of activities are listed at the bottom of this section and in the document attached).
2. Or create the activities with the participants.
3. Put the activities in each hoop.
4. Divide participants into groups, or set up multiple board games with the hoops.
5. All participants will start at the starting hoop.
6. The first participant will roll the dice (or draw a card from a deck of cards). Only have Ace to 4 in the deck (depends on how many spaces are in each board game). If rolling the dice only let 1-4 count. Or roll 2 dice and subtract the numbers (0 represents roll again).
7. Different ways to play:
- A) First participant to go around the board game 2 or 3 times wins.
- B) First participant or group to land on each space (hoop) wins. Give each participant/group their own token that they place down when they land in a hoop. They can land in the same one more than once, but they only put their token down when they land in a new space (hoop).
8. Example of activities:
- Do [#] jumping jacks/squats/burpees/lunges/sit ups/
- Run on the spot until your next turn
- Balance on one foot until your next turn
- Move back 1 space/forward 1 space/go to start
- Do the Macarena until your next turn
- Go on tippy toes until next turn
- Do a plank for 10 seconds
- Do high knees until next turn
- Have to jump in the air for every number that is rolled
- Sing Happy Birthday two times
- Stay in a bridge until your next turn (hands and feet on the ground with their back towards the ground)
Chalk: Write down each activity on the pavement and place hoops or tape to create the spaces on the pavement.
Instead of physical activities, each space could have a question participants have to answer, such as: "What's your favourite animal?", "Do you have any siblings?", "What's your favourite sport?", "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and so on.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download