Obstacle Connect Three

Skill: Run, Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Pylons
Beanbags (at least 2 different colours)
Groups try to get 3 of their beanbags in a row, but first, they have to run through a field of pylons and beanbags.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Please see the attached document for an example of the set up.
Have two identical obstacles set up with pylons and beanbags (and any other items that can be used as obstacles). Place a rope on both sides of the obstacles.
The beanbags for each group should be a different colour than the other group. If there are not enough to separate the colours, then tape a piece of paper on each beanbag to signify which group it belongs to. If there are not enough beanbags, then use tennis balls or other items as well or instead of beanbags.
At the top and in between the two obstacles place rows of hoops. The number or rows and columns is up to the leader.
Divide participants into two teams.
Step by Step:
1. Have each group stand behind their obstacle of pylons.
2. The goal for each group is to get three of their beanbags in the hoops and in a row.
3. The first participant from each group will run through their obstacles and pick up any beanbag in the obstacle course.
4. They cannot step outside of their obstacle (ropes), and if they do, they lose their turn.
5. When they get through the obstacle of pylons they run to the hoops and can place or throw their beanbag into any hoop (that doesn't already have a beanbag in it).
6. To ensure participants move quickly, set a time limit for each set of participants that go.
7. Another motivator for participants to move quickly is to ensure the other group doesn't take away one of the hoops they will need for their row.
8. When the first set of participants place/throw their beanbags in their hoops, the leader will tell the next participants to go.
9. Those participants will run through the pylon obstacles, pick up a beanbag and then run to the hoops.
10. When a group gets three beanbags in a row (vertical, horizontal or diagonal), they score a point. Or each round tell participants what kind of row they have to get.
11. If a participant throws a beanbag at a hoop, wherever it lands is where it has to stay (even if it missed all hoops).
12. If both teams are running to place their final beanbag in a row, the participant to put their beanbag down first, gets the point for their team.
13. When a group scores a point, all participants take all the beanbags out of the hoops and place them back in their obstacle course.
14. If a participant knocks down a pylon on their run through the obstacle course and doesn't pick it up, then their beanbag doesn't count.
15. Play until a group has a set amount of points or for a set amount of time.
Participants have to throw their beanbag into the hoops. Place a throwing pylon or rope for where participants have to throw.
Participants themselves will stand in the hoops and groups need to get three of their participants in a row.
Groups have to have one of their beanbags in the furthest column or row of hoops from them.
Instead of hoops, place pylons in rows and participants have to place their beanbag on top of the pylons.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download