
Skill: Dodge, Run
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Shoelaces are tied.
Participants are watching where they run.
Remove any obstacles or hazards.
Equipment: A pylon (Cone)
A ball (medium size)
Get participants active and burn energy while having fun at the same time.
Other Skills:
Set up:
The cone and ball go on one end of the gym (THE BALL GETS PLACED ONTOP OF THE CONE).
If the gym/room has lines on the floor use the line closest to the wall as the base line and put the cone and ball approx. 5 feet in front of the line.
Step by Step:
Split the group into 2 even teams one team is the cops (they go behind the line closest to the wall by the diamond [ball]) the other team is the robbers (they go on the other side of the gym behind the line closest to that wall)
The objective for the robbers is to get the "diamond" and run back their side without getting caught by the cops
The cops objective is to protect the "diamond" from the robbers

If a cop runs past the line they are behind they MUST try and catch a robber. If they do not catch a robber then they are out. If they do catch a robber than the robber is out and the cop is still in the game.
If the robber drops the "diamond" the game is reset
Once the diamond is successfully captured, the teams switch roles (cops become robber and robbers become cops).
Have a time limit for the robbers to steal the "diamond". If they don't get it in the designated time, then the teams reverse roles.
If a robber is tagged, they join the cops, and if a cop does not tag a robber, they become a robber.
Sources: Not listed