Parachute Mania

Skill: Run
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remind participants to always keep two hands on the parachute at all times.
Equipment: Parachute
Tennis balls (or another type of ball) with different colours for each team.
Participants work as a group and as teams in order to do the task with the parachute.
Teamwork, cooperation and coordination.
Set up:
Have each participant hold onto a piece of the parachute. Ensure they are all spaced out evenly.
Step by Step:
Parachute Run Around

1. Participants will all start holding the parachute and standing so that the parachute is flat and straight.
2. Leader will instruct the participant to walk to their left or right.
3. Then instruct participants to start to run to their left or right.
4. Have participants keep going until participants start to lose control.
5. Have them slow down and then stop when this happens.

Parachute Keep Up

1. Divide participants into two equal teams.
2. Have one or more balls for each team, but make sure each team has a different colour.
3. Or give each group a different type of ball (one has tennis balls, the other has soft balls).
4. All participants from each group choose their own spot on the parachute, but make sure that the teams are intermingled, and one team is not all on one side.
5. Have one participant from each team not holding the parachute and standing behind the other participants.
6. Participants holding the parachute will step back so the parachute is off the ground.
7. The leader will put all the balls on the parachute.
8. When leader says 'Go', participants will try to knock the other teams balls off of the parachute by making the parachute go up and down.
9. When they succeed, the participant standing outside the parachute will pick up their teams ball and throw it back on the parachute.
10. After a determined amount of time, the leader will say "stop!" and the team with the most balls still on the parachute wins!
Could have 3 teams for Parachute Keep Up, and have 3 different colours or types of balls.
If the parachute has an opening in the middle, teams try to get their ball through the opening.

Adaptations (General):
Encourage group members to move only as fast as those with a disability are able to safely move.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.