Find a Hoop

Skill: Run
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove safety hazards from the area.
Remind participants to always keep their head up when running and to be aware of their surroundings.
Equipment: 2 or 3 different coloured hoops.
An equal number of all hoops and a total number so that there are enough for each participant, minus one.
Participants try to not be the last one to stand inside a hoop.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Scatter the hoops around the play area, and scatter them so they are at least a couple metres away from other hoops.
Ensure the same coloured hoops are not too close to each other.
Step by Step:
1. Designate one participant to be in the centre of the play area and not in a hoop.
2. The rest of the participants will find a hoop and stand inside.
3. If there are 16 participants, there could be 5 red hoops, 5 blue hoops and 5 green hoops.
4. The participant in the centre can yell "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Red and Blue" or "All Colours".
5. If they say "Red", then all the participants in red hoops have to leave their hoops and stand in another red hoop before any of the other participants.
6. The participant in the centre also runs to stand in a red hoop.
7. The last participant to find a red hoop is now in the centre.
8. If the participant in the centre says "Red and Blue" then participants in red and blue hoops run to find an empty red or blue hoop. Doesn't matter if there were in a red hoop before, they can now stand in a blue hoop and blue in a red hoop.
9. If the participant in the centre says "All Colours", then all participants run to find another hoop.
10. They cannot go to a hoop directly next to where they were.
Play with hoops of only one colour, and have the participant in the centre say "Change", and all participants have to run to a different hoop.
Place beanbags in half of the hoops and pylons in the other half, and designate who has to switch based on the object in the hoop.

Adaptations (General):
Some participants with disabilities may find this activity quite challenging. Consider some modifications (e.g., allow participants with disabilities to go to the hoop that is directly next to them, or allow them to go to any hoop at any time regardless of colour).
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.