Stealthy Ninjas

Skill: Run
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: No equipment necessary.
Have pylons or rope to mark boundaries, if necessary.
For participants to move stealthily and not get caught moving by the guard.
Set up:
Use the length of the gym, or set up two lines parallel to each other and about 25-30 metres apart (or longer).
Select one participant to start as the guard. That participant will stand at one end, facing the wall or the opposite way of the other line.
The rest of the participants are the ninjas and all line up behind the other line.
Step by Step:
1. The goal for the ninjas is to move stealthily and sneakily from their line to the other line without the guard catching them moving.
2. All ninjas will start to move, anyway they wish (run, walk, skip etc.) with the guard facing the other way.
3. The guard will say different words related to the category chosen, and as soon as the guard says the code word, the participants try to freeze before the guard turns around and catches them moving.
4. If the guard catches any ninjas moving, they will say their name, and they have to go back to the starting line.
5. Before each round, as a group decide on the category and code word.
6. Could use colours as the category, and the code word is Green.
7. So as the ninjas are moving, the guard can say "Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Green!" and as soon as they say green, the ninjas have to freeze and the guard turns around.
8. The guard can say as many colours as they wish before saying the code word. It's good to change it up each time so the ninjas aren't prepared.
9. Hint: It's easier to freeze right away if you're not moving too fast.
10. Once a participant crosses the line, they're safe.
11. The last participant to cross the line is the new guard.
12. Other categories for code words:
- Animals - if the code word was dog, the guard could say "cow, cat, pig, donkey, dolphin, horse, leopard, lion, tiger, dog!"
- Numbers
- Months
Have participants get into teams. Play the same way, but each time a participant crosses the finish line they get a score. If they're the first to cross they get 1 point, second to cross, 2 points and so on. The team with the lowest score wins.
For younger kids, could be a number, and the guard will always count up to the number, so it will be the same timing each round.
If a participant is caught moving, then they are out.

Adaptations (Cognitive/Learning Impairment):
Try to reinforce the object of the game with participants who have a cognitive limitation. Provide additional support as it is needed.

Adaptations (Deafness/Hearing Impairment):
If possible, provide sign language interpretation to accommodate participants who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.