Exercise to the Answer (Icebreaker)

Skill: Balance, Hop, Jump, Run
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Classroom (small indoor space), Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Paper with questions and exercises written on them for each participant. Examples of these are included in the step-by-step section.
Pencil or pen for each participant.
Participants get to know one another, and depending on how each participant answers their question, they'll have to do a pre-determined exercise.
Skills: (depends on exercises selected for participants)
Set up:
Have the paper with questions and exercises prepared and give one to each participant.
Step by Step:
1. This activity is an active icebreaker that helps participants to find out more about each other, and be active.
2. Each participant will each get a piece of paper with instructions written on it. These instructions will include a question they have to ask each participant and what exercise they have to do depending on the answer. Multiple participants can get the same question and exercises, or change the exercises for each answer.
3. Each participant will also have a pencil, pen or marker and they will write their initials on the back of the other participant's piece of paper when they both have done the designated exercise.
4. Participants will mingle and find another participant to share their question with. One participant will ask their question, and then do the designated exercise. Then the other participant will ask their question and do the designated exercise.
5. Or participants will get into groups of 4-5, and each will have a different question. They will go around asking each participant their question and doing the designated activity based on the answers.
6. Example of questions and exercises:
A. Ask participants their favourite animal.
- If the animal flies, do 10 jumping jacks.
- If the animal walks on 4 legs, do 5 squats.
- If the animal swims, do 10 heel raises.
- If the animal climbs trees, balance on each foot for 10 seconds each.
- Does not fit in any of the above, run on the spot for 10 seconds.
- OR, if it starts with a letter between A-L, do 11 jumping jacks. If it starts with a letter between M-Z, crab walk around the participant 2 times.
B. Ask participants their favourite sport.
- If it's soccer, do high knees for 10 seconds.
- If it's hockey, hop from side to side 10 times.
- If it's football, run around the participant 3 times.
- If it's basketball, do 10 jumping jacks.
- If it's another sport, do 10 lunges.
C. Ask participants how many siblings they have.
- If they have no siblings, do 2 full circle jumps.
- If they have 1 sibling, do 1 burpee, 1 jumping jacks, and 1 lunge.
- If they have 2 siblings, do 2 burpees, 2 jumping jacks, and 2 lunges.
- If they have 3 or more siblings, do 10 jumping jacks.
D. Ask participants they're favourite subject in school.
- If it's gym class, do 4 burpees.
- If it's math class, do 6 lunges.
- If it's English/Language Arts class, do the YMCA dance 3 times.
- If it's science class, do 10 jumping jacks.
- If it's history class, jump backwards 5 times (look behind to make sure there are no participants in your way).
- If it's another class, run around the participant 3 times.
E. Ask participants if they play a musical instrument.
- Option A: They say yes, play air drums while running on the spot for 10 seconds. They say no, do 3 jumping spins.
- Option B, if they say yes, ask what kind of instrument: If they say piano, do 5 push ups. If they say guitar, play air guitar and run around the participant 3 times. If they say a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass), do 5 squats. If they say a brass instrument (trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba, baratone), do 10 heel raises. If they say a woodwind instrument (flute, clarinet, saxophone, piccolo), do 3 burpees. If they say another instrument, jump as high as you can 4 times.
Create questions that are more tailored to the participants. Have participants come up with the questions and even the exercises.
For each question, have an answer that means no exercise required.
Adapt the exercises to the space and equipment that is available.
Have participants work in pairs, and have some of the exercises be ones that can be done in pairs. Those exercises could include: 5 jumping high fives, locking arms and skipping around in 3 circles, sitting down back to back with their legs stretched out and standing up without using their hands, and so on.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.