Rhyme in Time

Skill: Catch, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical, Transition
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Classroom (small indoor space), Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Ensure participants are aware and prepared to catch the object.
Equipment: One ball, beanbag, or any object that participants can throw and catch.
When a participant catches the ball, they have to say a word that rhymes with the starting word.
Set up:
Have participants stand or sit in a circle. If there are more than 15 participants, you can divide them into two groups and set up two circles.
Step by Step:
1. One participant in the circle will start with the object to be thrown.
2. That participant, or the leader, will start by saying any word (minus orange, of course).
3. That is the word that each participant has to rhyme with.
4. The participant with the ball will throw it to any participant, that participant will catch it and say a word that rhymes with the original word.
5. If a participant cannot think of a word in 5 seconds, says a word that doesn't rhyme, or repeats a word, then they have to sit down (or do a set activity, or lie down).
6. They get back in the game when another participant does one of those things above.
7. Optional: If a participant drops the object then they sit down, or if it was a bad throw, then the thrower sits down.
8. Each time a participant sits down, a new word is selected.
9. Optional: Have participants pass the object in a circle, instead of throwing it to any participant.
10. Optional: Once a participant is sitting down, they stay down until the next game. The final participant standing wins.
Don't use an object, just go around in a circle.
Play using categories instead of rhyming. If the category is colours, then participants will have to say a colour when they catch the ball. Other categories could be: subjects in school, Disney movies, sports, animals at the zoo, objects in a living room, countries, and so on.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.