Loot the Treasure

Skill: Dodge, Run
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards.
Remind participants to always be aware of their surroundings and keep their head up when running.
Equipment: Hoops for each team.
Any equipment for the treasure: beanbags, tennis balls, birdies, frisbees etc...
For participants in the centre to protect their treasure, and for the other participants to steal the treasure without getting tagged.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-5 and have one hoop per team.
Have one hoop in the centre of the area with all the treasure inside.
Have the other hoops set up around the centre hoop, so that they are all the same distance away from the centre hoop and not close to each other.
Designate one team to start at Treasure Island (centre hoop), and the other teams at one of the hoops on the outside (ships).
Step by Step:
1. All participants will be standing at their designated hoop.
2. The team in the centre are trying to protect their treasure from the pirates.
3. The teams on the outside are all pirates on their own ships, and they are trying to steal the treasure - as pirates tend to do!
4. When they leader says "Arrrrrrr loot the treasure", the game begins.
5. The pirates run to the treasure and try to take one (anyone), and run it back to their hoop (ship), and place it inside.
6. However, if a pirate is tagged by the guardians of the treasure, they have to run back to their hoop and touch it before they can run back.
7. If a pirate is tagged while they have treasure, they have to put it back in the centre hoop, and run back to their hoop and touch it before they can run back.
8. The game is over when all the treasure is stolen.
9. The pirate ship with the most treasure wins, and they move to the centre hoop with all the treasure, and the team that was in the centre moves to the other hoop. Play again!
10. To add a twist to the game, have each treasure worth a different amount of wooden legs (pirate currency).
11. For example: beanbags are worth 2 wooden legs, tennis balls are worth 1 wooden leg each, a frisbee is worth 4 wooden legs, a birdie is worth 3 wooden legs and so on.
12. When all the treasure is stolen, teams count the amount of wooden legs they stole.
13. Whoever stole the highest amount, wins!
Have one type of treasure for each team, and they have to collect only their treasure. The first team to collect all their treasure, wins.
Every time a pirate picks up treasure from the centre hoop, they have to say "arrrr", if they don't, they have to put the treasure back and run to their hoop and touch it before they can continue.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.