Frisbee Boccia

Skill: Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
If there are multiple games going on at the same time, ensure they are not throwing their frisbees towards other participants.
Equipment: At least 1 frisbee per participant (different coloured frisbees if you have them).
or participants to be the closest to hoop with their frisbee.
Set up:
Divide the participants into groups of 4-5.
Have different starting lines for participants.
Place a hoop anywhere past the starting line (it's good to change it up every round).
Step by Step:
1. Give each group of 3-4 participants at least one frisbee each, but 2 per participants is idea.
2. If there are two different coloured frisbees, give one colour to one team and another colour to the other team. If not, put a strip of different coloured tape on each frisbee, or some other way to differentiate the frisbees.
3. Participants decide with team with throw first.
4. If team A is throwing first, then they select one participant to throw their frisbee and try to get it as close to the hoop as possible, or get it inside the hoop.
5. A participant from team B now throws their frisbee with the same goal.
After both participants have thrown, if team A's frisbee is closer to the hoop, then team B will throw again. If team B’s frisbee is closer to the hoop, then team A will throw next.
6. The team that is further from the hoop will always be the throwing team. Unless the team with the further frisbee throws all of their frisbees and is still further away, then the other team gets to throw the rest of their frisbees, hoping to get more points.
7. When all the frisbees have been thrown, the frisbee that is closest to the hoop (or in the hoop) gets a point. If they also have the next closest frisbee, they get another point.
8. For example, if team A had the only frisbee in the hoop, and the next closest frisbee to the hoop is team A’s, and the next closest was Team B’s, then team A scores 2 points and team B scores 0.
9. If there are two frisbees in the hoop: The frisbee closest to the centre inside the hoop gets the point. However, if frisbees are overlapped, the frisbee that is ontop of another frisbee gets the point.
10. Play until one team has 5 points.
Instead of a hoop, use a frisbee and call it the hammer frisbee. One participant throws it anywhere they wish and the goal for the participants is to throw their frisbee so it is closest to the hammer frisbee.
Use footballs or tennis balls instead of frisbees.
Don't have teams, make it a whole group challenge.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Have another person stand at or near the hoop so that participants who are blind or visually impaired can know where to throw (note that the person standing by the hoop should be careful not to get hit).
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.