Doughnut Dodgeball

Skill: Dodge, Jump, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up when running.
Remind the throwers to hit below the shoulders.
Equipment: Dodgeballs
Hoops (about half as many as participants)
Pylons or rope (to create the centre area)
For participants to avoid getting hit by the dodgeballs, and the participant(s) who are in the centre to hit the other participants with a dodgeball (below the shoulders).
Set up:
If playing indoors, the boundaries can be the outside lines of the gym. If playing outdoors or indoors where there are no lines, set up boundaries using pylons to create a playing space (try to make it circular, like a doughnut).
In the centre of the play are aka doughnut, place pylons to create a small circle or use a hoop.
Select one participant to be in the centre of the doughnut. If there are a lot of participants, have 2 or 3 participants in the centre.
Step by Step:
1. The hoops throughout the play area are sprinkles, and participants are safe if they are standing in a sprinkle.
2. The participants in the centre of the doughnut cannot step outside the circle. There will also be dodgeballs inside the circle.
3. Select one or two participants to be the retrievers. These participants collect the balls that were thrown and bring them back to the centre.
4. Participants in the centre try to hit the other participants with the dodgeball below the shoulders.
5. If a participant is hit, they become a retriever (select one retriever), a retriever becomes a thrower, and the thrower is now a participant in the doughnut.
6. Participants in the centre can roll, bounce or throw the ball in order to hit the other participants.
7. Participants cannot catch the ball either, if they do, they are considered hit.
8. If a participant is standing in a hoop (sprinkle), they cannot be hit, and if they are, it doesn't count.
9. They can only stand in a hoop for 3 seconds, and they have to count out loud. Once they get to 3, they have to leave the hoop.
10. Play for a certain amount of time.
11. Or have it be an elimination game. When a participant is hit, they have to leave the game, and take a hoop with them. Play until there is one participant remaining.
Have dodgeballs in the centre, and once the participants have thrown all of them, the game is put on pause as all the participants help bring back all the dodgeballs to the centre.
If a participant catches a dodgeball, they are not considered hit.
Only hits below the hip or knee count.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.