Category Passing

Skill: Catch, Kick, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to keep their heads up and always be prepared to catch the ball.
Remind participants to underhand throw the ball to each other.
Equipment: 1 ball or object to pass with (basketball, tennis ball, bean bag or soccer ball)
For participants to name something in the category decided upon when they ball is passed to them.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Participant all get into a circle, with space between each other.
If there are more than 15 participants, divide them into two groups.
Step by Step:
1. Leader will determine the first category, or they will select a participant to select the first category.
2. The category should be something that all participants will be able to think of things that fall under that category. Such as: ice cream flavours, colours, Disney movies, girl names, sports, Olympic events, countries, words that start with D, 4 letter words etc.
3. The first participant will hold the ball and say a something that falls under the category listed.
4. If sports was selected, then they can say "soccer", and they will pass the ball to another participant in the circle.
5. If it's a basketball they can do a bounce pass or chest pass, if it's a tennis ball they can do an underhand throw, if it's a soccer ball then they pass it with their feet and so on.
6. The participant they pass to has to name something else that falls under that category as soon as they catch the ball, they cannot repeat anything that was already said.
7. Make sure all participants are passed to.
8. If it's a bad throw or the participant misses it, then as soon as they pick it up they have to name something.
9. Continue like this until a participant cannot think of something that falls under that category when they receive the ball.
10. They are out for that round.
11. Continue until there is only one participant left.
12. They decide on the category for the next round.
If a participant makes a bad a throw or a participant doesn't catch the ball after a good throw, then they are out for that round.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Use a ball with a bell inside or with a plastic bag tied around it to enable participants who are blind or visually impaired to hear it.

Adaptations (Cognitive/Learning Impairment):
It may be difficult for participants with a cognitive limitation to come up with words on the fly. Provide extra time and / or offer additional support as it is needed.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.