Basketball Minefield

Skill: Catch, Dribble, Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space)
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards or obstacles from the activity space.
Remind participants to always keep their head up when dribbling, passing, receiving the ball, and shooting.
Equipment: Basketballs
Minefield components: hoops, pylons, beanbags, rope, etc..
Basketball net
Participants dribble their basketball through the "minefield" and into the safety hoops to do the designated activity, pass the ball to a participant in the other line who dribbles and shoots the ball (hoping it gets in the net).
Set up:
Please see the attached document for an example of the set up.
Set up the minefield using pylons, beanbags, rope, and other equipment as the mines.
Throughout the minefield, place 3 "safety" hoops that are spread out from one another.
The basketball net should be behind the end of the mine field.
Place a pylon or hoop around 10 feet away from the final hoop in the minefield (this will be outside the minefield and closer to the basketball net).
Step by Step:
1. This activity is to help participants learn, practice, and enhance their dribbling control, passing, and shooting skills.
2. Half the participants will start behind the minefield with a basketball.
3. The other half of the participants will stand behind the pylon or hoop that is placed 10 feet away from the final hoop in the minefield and is closer to the net.
4. Please see the attached document for an example of the set up.
5. The first participant in the line with the basketballs will start dribbling through the minefield towards the first hoop.
6. They try to avoid the pylons, beanbags and other objects that represent the mines.
7. Encourage participants to use both hands while dribbling.
8. When they get to the first hoop, they will stand inside of it with their basketball and jump as high as they can in the hoop two times.
9. They will then continue to dribble to the next hoop going around and avoiding the mines.
10. When they're standing in the second hoop, they will do 3 squats while holding the ball above their head.
11. They'll continue dribbling and go to the third hoop. They will stand inside the hoop and do a chest pass or bounce pass to the participant standing in the hoop for the receivers (or behind the pylon).
12. The participant that passed the ball will now go to the end of that line.
13. The participant that received the ball will dribble the ball to the basketball net and do a shot from inside or outside the key, a foul shot, or a layup (the leader could instruct participants to do one type of shot, or any they choose).
14. After they shoot, they will get their rebound, and dribble to the end of the starting line.
15. When one participant gets to the first hoop, the next participant in line starts to dribble through the minefield.
16. If a participant hits a "mine", they can continue to dribble. This activity is meant to help participants practice dribbling and control.
17. Optional to set up two minefields next to the same basketball net or to opposite basketball nets. There will be no hoops in the minefield. Participants will dribble through the minefield, and then pass to the participant at the line of receivers, who will then dribble and shoot the basketball. They continue to shoot until they get the ball in the net. The team will the most baskets at the end of a designated amount of time will win.
Participants dribble using only their dominant hand to the first hoop, then only their non-dominant hand to the second hoop, and then use both hands to dribble to the third hoop.
Change the activities to be done in the hoops, or take them out completely.
If there is no basketball net, set up a hoop or spot on the wall for participants to aim for.
Add a defender between the participants receiving the ball and the net.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.
Attachments: Download