Wrecking Ball Treasure Hunt

Skill: Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remind participants to not collect their wrecking ball until all participants have thrown.
Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: A lot of cones (buildings)
Half as many (or so) objects to place under the cones (tennis balls, badminton birdies, coins, beanbags etc.)
A beanbag, tennis ball, volleyball or any ball that participants can throw that will knock over the cones (wrecking ball).
For participants to throw their "wrecking ball" at the "buildings" to discover the hidden treasure.
Other Skills:
Underhand roll
Set up:
Scatter the cones (buildings) over half the gym, or in a space that is around that size and place the objects (treasure) under half of the cones. Do this before participants arrive, so they don't know where they treasure is hidden.
Divide participants into groups of 4-5.
Have them all stand in a line with their teams, behind the throwing line (use cones or rope to create the throwing line) that is around 20-30 feet away from the "buildings".
Step by Step:
1. The first participant from each team will go and stand just behind the throwing line with the ball or object that is being thrown (wrecking ball); let's say a tennis ball.
2. Participants can choose any spot along the line to throw their wrecking ball.
3. They throw their wrecking ball, hoping to knock over a building that has a piece of treasure hidden underneath.
4. After all of those participants have thrown, they have 15 seconds to run and collect their wrecking ball, and treasure if they discovered one.
5. If they knocked over a building with a treasure hidden underneath, then they pick up the treasure and put the cone back up as well. They run back to their team with the wrecking ball and treasure.
6. If they did not find a piece of treasure, then they still have to run and pick up their wrecking ball and put the cone back up (if they hit one). When they get back to their team, they all have to do 10 jumping jacks.
7. If participants don't get back to their team in 15 seconds, then they have to all do 20 jumping jacks.
8. The next participant for each team will go to the throwing line with their wrecking ball.
9. Continue until all the treasure has been found.
Use any type of ball or object for the wrecking ball that is heavy enough to knock over the cones.
Could use footballs for the older participants.
Use soccer balls, and have participants kick the ball towards the cones.
Have different treasure hidden underneath the cones that are worth different points. For example, a tennis ball is worth 1 point, a beanbag is worth 2 points, a coin is worth 3 points etc.

Adaptations (General):
Allow participants with disabilities additional time if needed to run and collect their "wrecking ball". Modify the exercise activities to correspond with the strengths of all participants.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Have the leader or a fellow team member stand in the area of the pylons so that participants who are blind or visually impaired can know where to throw.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.