Hoop There It Is

Skill: Hop, Kick, Run, Skip, Throw
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Pair, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Hoops
Tennis balls, footballs, foam balls, beach balls, soccer balls (just one type or more).
For participants to run and get underneath the ball that was thrown, so that it will go through their hoop.
Other Skills:
Set up:
All participants will start on one end of the gym or field.
Place a cone in the centre of the gym or further down, depending on the skill level of the participants.
Have a pile of balls at the starting point.
Step by Step:
1. Either the leader or a participant will be the thrower, and they will be standing next to the pile of balls. They type of balls being used depends on the skill level of participants.
2. The first participant in the line will have a hoop, as they are the catcher.
3. On the word "Go", they will have to run with their hoop to the cone and run around it, so that they are facing the thrower.
4. As soon as the participant gets to the cone, the thrower will throw one of the balls high into the air.
5. The goal for the catcher is to run and get underneath the ball so that it will fall through their hoop.
6. Whether they "catch" it or not, they will then pick up the ball and run back to the line with their hoop.
7. Depending on the number of hoops being used, that participant will give the hoop to the next participant in line and give the ball back to the thrower.
8. Depending on the skill level of the participants, make the throws easier or harder to catch (further distance from where the cone is located).
9. If playing outdoors, could have two separate areas set up for this activity.
10. Instead of running to the cone, tell participants they have to skip, hop, run/walk backwards, do lunges etc. then when they reach the cone they can start running to catch the ball.
Use a soccer ball, and when the leader or participant kicks the ball, the participant with the hoop has to place it on the ground so that the soccer ball goes through their hoop.
Have participants catch the ball with their hands, not hoops.

Adaptations (General):
It may work well to have participants with disabilities be each team’s "thrower."

Adaptations (Mobility Impairment):
Encourage participants with a mobility limitation to move to the cones in whatever fashion is most comfortable – not necessarily by running, skipping, hopping, etc.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.