Through the Hoop

Skill: Catch, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Pair, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up, especially the hoop holder and catcher.
Make sure there is room behind each thrower in each group, and that the groups don't over lap.
Equipment: 1 ball per group of 3 participants. (tennis ball, basketball, football, volleyball, bean bag).
1 hoop per group of 3 participants.
For participants to throw the ball through the hoop to the other participant.
Other Skills: Coordination
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 3.
Give each group a hoop and ball.
Groups will stand with one participant in the middle and the other two in front and behind them. Have the participants in the middle stand in the centre of the gym. The other two participants stand in front and behind the participant in the centre. Be sure there is plenty of room behind each of the outside participants to move backwards.
Step by Step:
1. One participant in the group will start with the hoop and standing in between the other two participants.
2. The two participants will each start a couple steps away from the participant in the middle. How far they are away from the hoop depends on the skill level of the participants.
3. One of the participants will start with the ball.
4. The participant holding the hoop will hold it out to their side, so that it is like a window between the two participants.
5. For each throw, the participant chooses how high or low to hold it.
6. The participant with the ball will throw the ball through the hoop to the other participant.
7. The thrower will take 1 step away from the hoop.
8. Whether the participant catches it or not, they are now the thrower.
9. They throw the ball through the hoop. If it goes through the hoop, they take a step back.
10. Continue until one participant misses the hoop.
11. They then switch places with the participant in the middle. The new thrower starts a couple steps away from the hoop, and the other thrower stays where they are.
12. Remind the hoop holder to always watch the thrower and be aware of when they ball is being thrown, and where the ball is being thrown, so they don't get hit.
13. Use different balls depending on the participants.
14. Footballs could be for older participants.
15. If basketballs are being used, have participant's practice their chest passes and bounce passes.
The participant has to catch the ball or they go in the middle with the hoop.
Have participants working in pairs. One will be the thrower and one will hold the hoop. Could do this near a wall, so when they ball is thrown it will hit off the wall.
Have the hoop holder, hold the hoop so that the open part is facing the ground. Participants have to throw the balls at the hoop so it goes through.

Adaptations (Blindness/Visual Impairment):
Use a ball with a bell inside, or with a plastic bag tied around it, so that participants who are blind or visually impaired can hear it. Have the participant with the hoop make noise, tapping their hoop so that blind or visually impaired "throwers" can orient themselves.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.