Parachute Gophers

Skill: Run, Strike
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Ensure the area around and underneath the parachute is clear of any obstacles or safety hazards.
Remind participants that are underneath the parachute to keep their head up and be aware of each other's whereabouts.
Equipment: 1 parachute
2-5 soft balls (foam balls, beach balls)
For participants (gophers) underneath the parachute to hit the balls off the parachute. While the participants on the outside of the parachute try to prevent the gophers from hitting the balls off.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Have all participants stand around the parachute holding the sides.
Place two to five soft balls on top of the parachute.
Step by Step:
1. Have the participants standing on the outside hold the parachute so that it high enough off the ground for participants to stand under.
2. Select two participants to go under the parachute and be the gophers.
3. Their goal is to knock the balls off the parachute by hitting them from underneath the parachute.
4. Remind the gophers to keep their heads up and be aware of the whereabouts of the other gophers.
5. The other participants will be moving the balls around using the parachute and creating waves.
6. Ensure the participants underneath have room to move around.
7. The leader can add more balls as the round goes on.
8. Play for a set amount of time or until all the ball have been knocked off.
9. Send two new participants to go under the parachute and be the gophers.
10. If the outside participants knock a ball off the parachute, then that counts as a ball knocked off for the gophers.
Have one or two of the participants holding the parachute be working with the gophers (participants under the parachute). They will guide the participants on where to move to and try to get the balls to them to hit off.
As the game is going on, the leader will call another participant to go under the parachute to help the gophers, or trade places with one of the gophers. Continue until all participants have been gophers. Throw the balls back on when they have been knocked off.
Divide participants into groups of 2-3, and give each group a set amount of time to be gophers. The group to knock off the most balls, wins.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.