Team Name Soccer

Skill: Dribble, Kick, Run, Trap
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings.
Remind participants to keep their head up and be aware of other participants and the ball.
Equipment: 1 net (ideally outdoor soccer net).
1 soccer ball
Pinnies (optional for different teams)
For participants to practice their soccer skills and play a fun soccer game.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide the group into teams of 3-4 participants.
Use a soccer net outdoors.
Set up a row of pylons/cones around 25 feet away from the net.
Select one participant to be goalie.
Step by Step:
1. Have each group come up with a team name, or have them select a country in the World Cup (or any country) that they're going to be representing.
2. Have a maximum of 4-5 teams at one game. If there are more participants, then set up two different games or have the other participants do another activity while waiting their turn.
3. Place the ball behind the row of pylons.
4. These pylons are the clearing line. After one team shoots the ball, the other teams have to clear the ball beyond these pylons before they can shoot.
5. The teams will start at different areas around the play area.
6. The leader will say "Play" or "Go" or blow their whistle, and the game begins.
7. Teams have to pass, defend, dribble, shoot, get open for passes and all that soccer jazz, while going against 3-4 other teams.
8. Whenever a participant shoots the ball, they have to yell out their team name.
9. If they don't, and the ball goes in the net, it doesn't count as a goal.
10. If they shoot the ball, and it hits off a participant on another team, then that participant has to yell their team name because the shot is now theirs.
11. After the ball hits the goalie or the goalie saves the ball, all teams except the one who just shot, have to clear the ball behind the pylons before they can bring it back to shoot.
12. When a team scores and yells their team name, then they move onto the next round. They will stand outside the play area and wait for the next round.
13. Continue until all but one team have scored.
14. All teams will start to play the next round, except for the team that came in last in the previous round. They will sit out and have to do a designated activity. They could have to do 20 jumping jacks and then for the remainder of the time, pass the soccer ball to each other or practice keep ups and so on.
15. Let's say the 3 teams remaining are The Highlighters, The Mismatched Socks and The Sinclairs.
16. The Highlighters shoot and it hits off the goalie, then The Mismatched Socks get the ball and have to clear it. They dribble and pass the ball back up, take a shot and yells their team name, but it hits off a member of The Sinclairs and they yell their team name, and it goes in. The Sinclairs move onto the next round.
17. Now it is just The Highlighters and The Mismatched Socks. The Mismatched Socks dribble up, get a shot on net and the goalie kicks it out, but another member of The Mismatched Socks gets the ball and shoots again and yells their team name and it goes in. Therefore, the final round will include The Sinclairs and The Mismatched Socks.
18. As you would expect, the Mismatched Socks win!
19. Play another round and select another participant to be the goalie.
Don't play with different rounds. Play that the teams will always be on the field, and the first to score 3 points wins.
Play with two nets and 2 balls.
For younger participants, could play with a softer ball.
Participants don't have to say their team name in order for a goal to count.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.