Clapping Spud Captain

Skill: Catch, Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Remind participants that they have to hit below the hips.
Equipment: 1 Foam ball
For the Spud Captain to hit other participants with the ball below the hips.
Other Skills:
Underhand Roll
Set up:
Select one participant to start as the Spud Captain.
The rest of the participants will all form a circle around them.
Step by Step:
1. The leader will start with the ball and stand in the circle with the Spud Captain (SC).
2. The leader will toss the ball to the Spud Captain.
3. As the ball is in the air, the Spud Captain claps as many times as they can before they catch the ball.
4. Also, as the ball is in the air, the rest of the participants run away from the Spud Captain.
5. When the SC catches the ball, they yell "Halt", and all the participants have to freeze where they are.
6. The amount of times the SC clapped is the number of big steps they are allowed to take.
7. If they clapped 8 times, then they get to take 8 big steps towards one or more participants.
8. They throw or roll the ball towards a participant trying to hit them below the hips.
9. The participant cannot move any part of their body when the ball is being thrown or rolled toward them.
10. If a participant is hit below the hips, then the whole group gets the letter 'S'.
11. If the SC misses the participant or hits them above the hips, then they get an 'S'.
12. If the SC did not catch the ball thrown to them, then they also get a letter.
13. If the group spells "SPUD" first, then they lose.
14. If the SC spells "SPUD" first, then they lose.
15. If the group loses, then they all have to do 20 jumping jacks (or 10 lunges, 10 push ups etc..).
16. If the SC loses, they they have to do the set activity.
17. Select a new participant to be the SC.
18. Have two Spud Captains, and one will throw the ball to the other one who will do the clapping. They both will have a ball and will take the same amount of steps.
Allow the participants to jump straight in the air when the ball is being thrown at them.
Change the word to "HIT", "BOAT", "CLAP", "WHALE" etc...
When a participant is hit, only they get a letter. If they spell the word, then they have to do a set activity and sit out for the round (ideal for smaller groups).
The Spud Captain throws the ball in the air for themselves.
When participants freeze, they have to spread their legs out. The SC has to roll or kick the ball through a participant's legs.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.