Volleyball Target

Skill: Run, Strike
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: 1 Volleyball per group (5-6 participants)
5 cones per group (at least)
1 Bag/bucket/hoop per group (need an object that a volleyball can fit into easily)
For groups to get their volleyball into the bag/bucket/hoop that the group's target is holding.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide group into teams of 5-6 participants.
Using cones, set out an area that is the around the size of a quarter of a gym.
At each end of each set up, place 5 cones or so to create the boundary for the target. If indoors, ensure there is around 10 feet of space between the cones and a wall.
If there is not enough space to create a section for each team, have one or more teams sit out and do another activity or exercise (practicing their volleying and bumping).
Step by Step:
1. Teams have to stay in their area.
2. They all select one participant from their team to be the "target".
3. The target participant will take the bag/bucket/hoop and stand in the target area.
4. The goal for each team is to volley and bump the ball to each other a minimum of 3 times.
5. After they have bumped or volleyed the ball 3 times, they try to volley or bump the ball to the target, who tries to catch the ball in their bag/bucket/hoop.
6. If playing near a wall, participants could be allowed to hit it off the wall to the target.
7. The target cannot leave their area in order to catch the ball.
8. If they do catch the ball in or through the object, then their team gets a point.
9. If not, then they roll the ball back to their team, and they start to hit the ball again for a minimum of 3 times before trying again.
10. If the ball drops or a participant catches the ball, then they have to start their counting at 1 again.
11. Play until a team gets 3 points.
12. Depending on the number of groups that were playing, the winner can stay in their area and the team(s) that were sitting out, now go into an area.
Make the area for the target participant bigger. Allow the target participant to catch the ball with their hands. Or, when a participant hits it to them, they have to volley or bump it back to a participant in order to get a point.
Don't have a target participant, but place hoops in the target area. Participants have to have the volleyball land in each hoop.
Increase or decrease the minimum hits required.
Use a beach ball for younger participants.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.