Catching to Spell

Skill: Catch, Dodge, Jump, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of the other participants and to not run into each other.
Remind participants that there is no pushing.
Equipment: 1 ball (football, frisbee, tennis ball) per groups of 4-5 participants.
1 cone per group.
Participants try to be the first to spell the designated word in their group by catching and/or touching the ball.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-5.
Give each group a ball that is appropriate for their skill level. A football and frisbee may be more suitable for older participants.
Have one participant from each team start with the ball (the oldest, birthday is the closest, shortest etc...), and stand at the cone. The other participants will stand together around 10-20 feet away from the thrower.
Ensure the groups are spread out, and will not run into each other.
Step by Step:
1. The thrower is going to throw the ball in the air and towards the group of participants.
2. The goal for the participants is to try and catch the ball or at least be the last one to touch the ball before it hits the ground.
3. Participants are trying to spell a word in order to win that round, and become the new thrower.
4. Example of words "CAUGHT", "CATCH", "SKY", "MARS", "LAMP", or any word the leader and/or participants come up with.
5. If a participant catches a ball, then they get a letter. When they catch the ball, they run to the thrower's cone as fast as they can. If they get to the cone without being tagged by another participant, then they can get another letter (total of two letters). If they get tagged before they reach the cone, then they only get the one letter from catching the ball.
6. If no one caught the ball, but a participant touched the ball before it hits the ground, then they get a letter. If more than one participant touched the ball, then only the last participant to touch the ball gets a letter.
7. The first participant to spell the designated word becomes the new thrower.
8. Optional rules:
If a participant did not touch the ball before it hit the ground, then whichever participant picks it up first gets a letter.
If a participant catches the ball and makes it to the thrower's cone, then all other participants lose a letter.
Participants only get a letter if they catch the ball.
Participants have to get a certain amount of points to win; not spell a word.
If participants catch the ball they get two letters (or points), and if a participant touches the ball last they get one letter (or point).
For older participants encourage the thrower to not throw the ball directly to the participants. Have them run to the left, right, forward and back in order to catch it.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.