Ball Bounce Relay

Skill: Dribble, Run
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space)
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the play area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Make sure participants get out of the way as soon as they bounce the ball.
Equipment: 1 basketball per 2 groups
1 cone per group
Tape or rope
For groups to bounce the ball back to the other group, following the specified rules and boundaries.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-5. Have an even number of groups so one group is always playing another group. If there is an odd number of groups, then the odd group out will do another activity (pass the basketball in a circle, hot potato, shooting, etc...), while waiting for their turn.
For every 2 groups, set up 2 cones that are around 10 feet apart from one another.
Put tape or rope half way in between the two cones; that is the midway line.
Have one group line up behind each cone.
Step by Step:
1. All the participants will line up with their group behind one of the cones, and facing another group.
2. The leader will give a basketball to the first participant in line for one of the groups (group A).
3. When the activity begins, that participant will bounce the ball towards the first participant in line for the other group (group B). As soon as participant A bounces it, they run to the end of their line and the next participant steps next to the cone.
4. Participant B has to bounce the ball back to group A using one hand. After they bounce it, they run to the end of their line.
5. The ball can bounce once in their half, but the next bounce has to be past the midway line (tape or rope).
6. The next participant for group A has to bounce the basketball after it bounces once on their half (or it doesn't have to bounce at all). Their bounce back can bounce once on their half, but the next bounce has to be on group B's half.
7. Continue this sequence until a participant makes an error.
8. Errors:
- Ball bounces twice in their own half (whether it was coming to them, or they were bouncing it back to the other group)
- Participant uses both hands to bounce the ball
9. If a participant from group A bounced the ball after it bounced twice on their half, then group B gets a point.
10. Play until a group gets 5 points. If playing with 4 groups or more, the winners can play winners and losers play losers.
Play with a back boundary line, so the ball can't bounce past a certain line.
Play without a midway line.
The ball can bounce more than once on each side, or the participants have to hit the ball before it bounces on their side.
Play with a tennis ball, or volleyball.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.