Catching Cup Games Galore

Skill: Catch, Throw
Time Required: 10
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Pair, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: For all the different activities remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Plastic Cups
Tennis Balls
Wall (for the Throw off the Wall game)
Participants try to catch the ball in their plastic cup.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Each participant will have a plastic cup.
Depending on the catching cup game, participants will need to be divided into different sized groups.
Step by Step:
Throw/Bounce and Catch

1. Divide participants into pairs or groups of 3.
2. Each participant will have a plastic cup and each pair/group will have one tennis ball.
3. Participants will stand around 10 feet apart.
4. They can throw or bounce the ball to each other and try to catch it in their cup.
5. Safety Tip: Make sure the pairs/groups are spread out in the activity area.

Catch with Two Cups
1. Divide participants into pairs or groups of 3.
2. Each participant will have two plastic cups.
3. In order to catch the ball, they have to close the two cups around the tennis ball.
4. Participants can hold the cups so they're on their sides, and the openings are facing each other.
5. When the ball is bounced to them, they have to catch it by bringing the two cups together.
6. This helps participants practice their hand-eye coordination.
7. Safety Tip: Make sure the pairs/groups are spread out in the activity area.

Throw off the Wall
1. Divide participants into groups of 3-4.
2. Each participant will have a plastic cup.
3. Participants will number off from 1-4.
4. Number 1 will throw the tennis ball off the wall, and number 2 will try to catch the ball in their cup before it bounces, or after one bounce.
5. They will then throw it against the wall, and number 3 will catch it.
6. If a participant doesn't catch it, or they catch it after it has bounced more than one time, then they get a letter.
7. When a participant spells "Cup" or "Wall" or another word, then they are out for that round.
8. Safety Tip: Ensure the groups are spread out, or only one group at a time will play this game.

Cup Jackpot
1. Divide participants into groups of 4-6 participants.
2. One participant from each group will start as a thrower, and the other participants will be standing around 15 feet or so away from the thrower with their cup.
3. The goal for the catchers is to catch the tennis ball and get to 500 points.
4. The thrower will say a point value for each throw. They will say "100", "200", "300", "400" or "Jackpot" which represents 500 points.
5. If a participant catches the ball in their cup before it hits the ground, they get the point value that the thrower called.
6. If none of the participants caught the ball before it hit the ground, then the first participant to trap the ball with their cup on the ground (put the cup face down over the ball) will get 50 points.
7. When a participants gets to 500 points (or more), then they become the thrower.
8. Safety Tip: Ensure groups are spread out. Remind catchers to not push the other participants and to keep their hands to themselves.
Create different games using tennis balls or ping pong balls and plastic cups.
Turn the cup upside down, and participants have to catch beanbags on the bottom of the cup.
Participants will put the tennis ball in their cup and have to launch it out of the cup and towards another participant or a target.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.