Ball and Aim Relay

Skill: Kick, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Pair, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Make sure groups are parallel to each other and won't be throwing their items towards other groups.
Equipment: Footballs
Soccer Balls
Tennis Balls
Participants have to accomplish the specific task for each ball and item.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 2-4 participants.
Each group will have a football, frisbee, soccer ball, tennis ball and beanbag.
Place all these in a line and spaced out for each group. Could place a rope between the groups to separate them.
Place the targets for the balls and items in front of them. The location of each target will be the same for each group, but the leader can decide where they go.
Tennis ball target: Bucket - the tennis ball will have to go in the bucket.
Soccer ball target: Place two pylons to make a net (the size of this net is up to the leader).
Football target: Create a square using pylons.
Frisbee target: Place a row of 3-4 pylons.
Beanbag target: Place a hoop somewhere in the area.
Step by Step:
1. Place the targets in each group's activity area, and make sure that each group has the same targets that are the same distance away and size.
2. Have each group stand 5 feet behind their line of balls/frisbee/beanbag in a line (place a pylon to designate the start of each group's line).
3. The first participant in each line will run up and choose one of the balls/items.
4. They will do the designated task for that ball/item while standing where the ball/item is located.
5. Tennis Ball: Throw the tennis ball into the bucket.
6. Soccer ball: Kick the soccer ball through the net (pylons).
7. Football: Throw the football so it lands/bounces in the square made out of pylons (or rope).
8. Frisbee: Throw it at a row of 3-4 pylons and knock down at least one pylon.
9. Beanbag: Throw it so it lands in the hoop.
10. If the first participant takes the tennis ball and throws it into the bucket, then they leave it in there and run to the end of their line and the next participant goes to another item.
11. If they missed the bucket, they run and collect the tennis ball and put it back in the line of balls/beanbags/frisbee. They leave it there and run to the end of their line.
12. Whenever the task is successfully completed, the participants leave the item where it landed. Whenever a task is not successfully completed, the participant that missed has to collect their item and put it back in the line where it was, and go join the end of their line.
13. The first group to complete all the tasks wins.
14. Set up a different lay out for another round with the targets being in different locations, and having the tasks be harder, easier or just different.
Use different items and objects to be used as targets. For example, a frisbee has to land in a hoop or a square made out of pylons.
Have more than one of each item.
Use only one item and have different targets set up for each one of the items. If only using tennis balls, then have a hoop target, a bucket target, a net target (roll it through), pylons they have to knock down and so on.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.