Pass Off Relay

Skill: Catch, Kick, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Tennis balls
Soccer balls
Pylons (optional)
For groups to successfully pass all the equipment to one another.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-6 participants.
For each group, set up hoops (or pylons) so they are staggered and different distances apart (but the same for all groups). One participant will stand inside each hoop.
Next to the first hoop and last hoop, place other hoops (starting and end).
In the starting hoop, put the different sport balls and equipment groups will have to pass (tennis ball, soccer ball, football, frisbee, basketball, beanbag and so on). Each group will have the same amount and types.
Step by Step:
1. The first participant in each group will select one sport ball or item from the hoop.
2. They will pass it to the participant at the next hoop.
3. The participants have to keep both feet inside the hoop at all times.
4. Unless they're passing the soccer ball, then they can step just outside of the hoop to receive the pass and to pass the soccer ball.
5. After the first participant passes the ball, they will start to run to the next hoop.
6. The next participant will run to the next hoop after they pass the ball.
7. When the last participant catches/receives the ball, they will place it in the hoop next to them (end hoop).
8. They will then run to the starting hoop and select another ball/item.
9. Continue until a team has returned all the balls/items from the starting hoop to the end hoop.
10. If a participant has to leave the hoop to catch a ball, or they miss the catch, then they pass the ball back to the participant that just passed it and they try again. Or the whole team has to do 5 jumping jacks before resuming.
11. Have different passing rules for the different balls/items:
- Soccer ball: Participants pass with their feet, and can take one step outside of their hoop to do so. Or participants do a throw in to the next participant.
- Tennis ball: Overhand throw
- Beanbag: Underhand lob
- Basketball: Bounce pass (if indoors), if outdoors participants could do a chest pass.
Use different balls and items.
Participants have to pass the balls to the end hoop and then back to the starting hoop.
When the last participant in a group catches a ball, they run and place it in another group's starting hoop. Then run to their starting hoop and select another ball to pass. Groups try to get rid of all their balls first. Or have the least amount in their starting hoop at the end of the time.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.