Hungry. Hungry Hoops

Skill: Catch, Kick, Run, Throw
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group:
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Hoops
Soccer Balls
Foam Balls
Teams try to get the most balls to their hungry, hungry hoop.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into four equal teams.
Set up a hoop at each corner of the activity space; ensure they create a square and are all equal distances apart.
Place a rope around 5 feet in front of each hoop, or all the way around each hoop.
Place a bunch of soccer balls, foam balls and beanbags in the centre of the activity.
Each team will designate one participant to be the "feeder" and to stay with their team's hoop and stand behind the rope.
Step by Step:
1. All participants will start standing behind their team's hoop (which is of course, very hungry).
2. On the word "Go", all the participants, except for the participant that is staying with their team's hoop (the feeder), will run to the balls in the centre (food for the hoops).
3. Each team's goal is to pass all the balls to their team's feeder, who will then put the food in the hoop.
4. The participants can go anywhere in the activity field, but they cannot go past the rope to any of the hoops, and the feeders cannot go past the rope into the rest of the activity space.
5. When a participant gets a ball, they cannot move with it at all. If they are caught moving, they are either out for that round or have to do a set exercise outside the activity space before returning.
6. Rules for passing the balls:
- Soccer ball: Participants have to kick the soccer ball to their feeder. They are not allowed to dribble with the ball. The feeder has to wait for the ball to pass the rope before they can pick it up and place it in the hoop.
- Foam ball: Participants can throw or roll the ball. If participants throw the ball, the feeder has to catch the ball within their boundaries.
- Beanbags: Participants underhand lob the beanbags.
7. Participants cannot pick up a ball or beanbag that they just threw or kick the soccer ball after they kicked it.
8. It's important for participants to work as a team to bring the food to the hungry hoop.
9. For example, one participant on team A kicks their soccer ball towards their hoop, then another participant from team A kicks the ball closer to their hoop.
10. If a participant throws a foam ball, participants from the other teams can try to intercept the throw.
11. Play until all the balls are in the hoops, or for a set amount of time.
12. The team with the most food in their hoop wins!
13. Play another round and select a different participant on each team to be the feeders.
Use different balls (frisbee, volleyball, beachball, tennis balls and so on).
Allow participants to take 2 steps with the balls.
Don't have a feeder, participants have to get the ball to land in the hoop or a bigger area that set out with pylons/ropes.
Participants are allowed to throw or kick twice in a row.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.