Hockey Weave, Pass and Control

Skill: Run, Strike, Trap
Time Required: 20
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space)
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Remind participants to hold their hockey stick with two hands and to keep it on the ground at all times.
Equipment: Hockey Sticks
Tennis Balls/Beanbags (for easier control)
Participants work as a group and weave around pylons, pass, stick handle and control the ball into a hoop.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into groups of 4-6 participants.
For each group set up 4-6 pylons in a row (or staggered row) and have each pylon around 3-5 feet apart. In front of the last pylon, place a hoop with tennis ball inside of it. Around 10-15 feet in front of the hoop place another set of 4-6 pylons in a row. In front of that last pylon, place another hoop around 10 feet away.
Step by Step:
1. Participants on each group will start behind their team's first pylon, except for one participant will stand just in front of the first pylon at the second set of pylons.
2. Each participant should have a hockey stick (or have at least 3 per group).
3. Remind participants to hold the hockey stick with two hands and to keep the blade on the ground at all times.
4. When the activity begins, the first participant in line for each group will weave around the row of pylons, with their stick on the ground the whole time.
5. When they get to the end of the pylons they will take a ball from the hoop and pass it lightly to the participant standing at the next row of pylons.
6. That participant will stick handle the ball and weave around the next row of pylons.
7. When they get around the pylons, they will bring the ball to the hoop and put it in the hoop with their stick.
8. When the ball is in the hoop, they will run to the end of the line at the start of the activity.
9. The participant that went thought first, will be standing in front of the second row of pylons waiting for the next pass.
10. When the participant starts to stick handle and weave the ball around the second row of pylons, the next participant in line can start to run and weave around the first row of pylons.
11. Or they can start when the participant puts the ball in the second hoop.
12. Participants cannot go in front of each other.
13. The group to bring all the balls to the second hoop first wins.
14. If a participant misses a pylon, they have to go back and go around that pylon.
Using beanbags could slow down the activity, but it allows participants the chance to practice control and keeping the beanbag close to them at all times.
Put a net using two cones at the end of each group's set up, and the participants have to shoot the ball in the net, instead of putting the balls in a hoop.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.