
Skill: Catch, Jump, Run, Strike, Throw
Time Required: 25
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group, Small Group
Age Group: 9 - 12yrs, 13+ yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space)
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Volleyball
Basketball nets with backboards
Pylons for boundaries (if required)
Participants work as a team to volley or bump the ball so it hits the backboard or goes into the basketball net.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into teams of 5-6 participants.
Use the basketball outside lines for the boundaries.
Two teams will play each other at one time (one, or both of the teams can be wearing pinnies).
Step by Step:
1. The goal for the participants is to score points by having the volleyball hit the backboard/rim or go in the basketball net.
2. The rules of basket-volley-hand-ball incorporate rules from those three sports.
3. The game will start with a jump ball. The leader will be holding the volleyball at the centre, and one participant from each team will stand on their side and across from each other. The leader will throw the ball in the air and the two participants will jump and try to hit the ball back to their team.
4. When a participant has the ball, they can take 3 steps with the ball. After they take 3 steps, they have to stop.
5. That participant will now have to pass the volleyball to one of their teammates. They are allowed to pivot (keeping one foot on the ground at all times).
6. A participant on the other team can stand in front of the passer, but they have to be at least 2-3 feet away.
7. The passer can throw the ball overhand, underhand, chest pass or bounce pass the ball (it can only bounce once).
8. When a new participant has the ball, they can take 3 steps.
9. When participants are close to the net, they can try to get a point.
10. In order to get a point, a participant has to pass the ball to a teammate and that participant has to bump or volley the ball so it hits the backboard or rim, or goes into the net. If the ball hits the backboard or rim they get 1 point, if the ball goes in the net they get 2 points.
11. A participant cannot throw the ball in the air and volley or bump it, they have to pass to another participant.
12. If at any time the ball is dropped, intercepted, goes out of bounds, a participant takes more than 3 steps, or there is a missed bump/volley point, then the other team gains possession of the ball.
13. Play for a set amount of time or until a team scores a set amount of points.
Participants are allowed to toss the ball in the air and volley or bump the ball to score a point.
Bump or volley the ball from outside the 3 point line, they get 2 points if it hits the backboard or rim and 3 points if it goes in the net.
Don't use a basketball net for scoring points. Teams get a point every time one participant passes the ball to a teammate and they bump/volley the ball and another participant catches it. If participants get two volleys/bumps in a row, then they score two points.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.