Nananana Batman!

Skill: Dodge, Run
Time Required: 15
Activity Type: Physical
Group Size: Large Group, Medium Group
Age Group: 6 - 9yrs, 9 - 12yrs
Play area: Gymnasium (large indoor space), Outdoor - Field
Safety Considerations: Remove any safety hazards and obstacles from the activity area.
Remind participants to be aware of their surroundings and to keep their head up.
Equipment: Hoops
Tennis Balls
Birdies (or another type of equipment)
Rope/Pylons are optional to create boundaries
Participants that are on team Riddler, Joker, or Penguin, have to try to steal all of their objects and not get caught by the Batmans and Robins.
Other Skills:
Set up:
Divide participants into 4-5 groups of 3-6 participants. One team will start as Batman, one as Robin, one as Joker, one as Riddler, and one as Penguin.
At one end of the activity space place 1 hoop for each Batman "bad guy" team (Riddlers, Jokers, and Penguins).
At the other end of the activity space (around 20 meters away or so) place a rope, or pylons, or use a line on the floor. Behind this "line" place the same amount of beanbags, tennis balls, and birdies. Or use only beanbags, but have three different colours (one for each team). Each bad guy team will have a different object to steal and bring to their hoop.
Step by Step:
1. Team Batman and Robin will start in the middle of the activity space.
2. The bad guys: Team Riddler, team Joker, and team Penguin will start next to their empty hoop.
3. Team Riddler's objects to steal are the beanbag, team Joker's objects to steal are the tennis balls, and team Penguin's objects to steal are the birdies.
4. When the activity begins, the bad guys will try to run to the other end of the activity space to get the object they are trying to steal.
5. If a Batman or a Robin tags them, then they are frozen. They can only be unfrozen if one of their teammates gives them a high five.
6. When the bad guys get to the other end of the activity space and are passed the line, they cannot get tagged.
7. They collect one of their objects and run back to their hoop.
8. If they are tagged when they're running back to their hoop, they are frozen and the participant that tags them takes their object and places it back behind the line.
9. The first group to bring back all their objects and place them in their hoop, or the group to have brought back the most at the end of a set time will win that round.
10. Or, if at a set time no group stole all their objects and brought them to their hoop then team Batman and team Robin win.
11. Switch the teams after each round. Robins will become Penguins, Penguins become Jokers, Jokers become Riddlers, Riddlers become Batmans, and Batmans become Robins.
Teams unfreeze their teammates in different ways. Penguins will have to waddle around the participant one time to unfreeze them, Riddlers will have to ask the participant any question and the participant has to answer to get unfrozen, and Jokers have to laugh at each other in order to be unfrozen.
If a participant is tagged, they have to go back to the start before they can continue running.
Sources: Developed for the Leisure Information Network.